364 Plenary speeches of Christofer FJELLNER
CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles (debate) SV
Transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union (debate) SV
Debate with the Prime Minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven, on the Future of Europe (debate) SV
Reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment (debate) SV
Implementation of the Generalised Scheme Preferences (GSP) Regulation (debate)
Implementation of the Generalised Scheme Preferences (GSP) Regulation (debate)
Framework for screening of foreign direct investments into the European Union (debate) SV
EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement - EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (resolution) - EU-Singapore Investment Protection Agreement - EU-Singapore Investment Protection Agreement (resolution) - EU-Singapore Partnership and Cooperation Agreement - EU-Singapore Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (resolution) (debate) SV
EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement - EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (resolution) - EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement - EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement (resolution) - Adequacy of the protection of personal data afforded by Japan (debate) SV
WTO: the way forward (debate) SV
CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles (debate) SV
CO2 emissions from and fuel consumption of new heavy-duty vehicles (debate) SV
Protection against dumped and subsidised imports from countries not members of the EU (debate)
Protection against dumped and subsidised imports from countries not members of the EU (debate)
Annual report on the implementation of the Common Commercial Policy (debate) SV
Order of business
Approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (debate) SV
Binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductions to meet commitments under the Paris Agreement (A8-0208/2017 - Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy) SV
Monitoring and reporting of CO2 emissions from and fuel consumption of new heavy-duty vehicles (A8-0010/2018 - Damiano Zoffoli) (vote)
Control of exports, transfer, brokering, technical assistance and transit of dual-use items (debate) SV
Negotiations for a Convention establishing a multilateral court for the settlement of investment disputes (MIC) (debate) SV
Protection against dumped and subsidised imports from countries not members of the EU (debate)
Protection against dumped and subsidised imports from countries not members of the EU (debate) SV
Negotiating mandate for trade negotiations with Australia - Negotiating mandate for trade negotiations with New Zealand (debate) SV
Negotiating mandate for trade negotiations with Australia - Negotiating mandate for trade negotiations with New Zealand (debate)
Negotiating mandate for trade negotiations with Australia - Negotiating mandate for trade negotiations with New Zealand (debate)
State of play of negotiations with the United Kingdom (debate) SV
Arms export: implementation of Common Position 2008/944/CFSP (debate) SV
Arms export: implementation of Common Position 2008/944/CFSP (debate) SV
Inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry into the 2030 climate and energy framework (debate) SV
Transparency, accountability and integrity in the EU institutions (short presentation) SV
Preparation of the G20 summit of 7 and 8 July 2017 (debate) SV
Court of Justice ruling of 16 May 2017 on EU - Singapore FTA (debate) SV
EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement - Conclusion of the EU-Canada CETA - EU-Canada Strategic Partnership Agreement (debate) SV
EU-Ghana Stepping Stone Economic Partnership Agreement (debate)
EU-Ghana Stepping Stone Economic Partnership Agreement (debate)
EU-Ghana Stepping Stone Economic Partnership Agreement (debate)
Environmental Goods Agreement (debate) SV
2016 UN Climate change Conference in Marrakesh, Morocco (COP22) (B8-1043/2016) SV
Implementation of the Food Contact Materials Regulation (A8-0237/2016 - Christel Schaldemose) SV
Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and the SADC EPA States - Parliamentary oversight and civil society monitoring of EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement (debate) SV
Towards a new energy market design - EU strategy on heating and cooling (debate) SV
Draft amending budget No 2/2016: Surplus from 2015 (A8-0212/2016 - José Manuel Fernandes) SV
Secretariat of the OLAF Supervisory Committee (A8-0188/2016 - Ingeborg Gräßle) SV
Preparation of the post-electoral revision of the MFF 2014-2020: Parliament's input ahead of the Commission's proposal (A8-0224/2016 - Jan Olbrycht, Isabelle Thomas) SV
Preparation of the Commission Work Programme 2017 (RC-B8-0885/2016, B8-0885/2016, B8-0886/2016, B8-0892/2016, B8-0893/2016, B8-0894/2016, B8-0895/2016, B8-0896/2016) SV
Refugees: social inclusion and integration into the labour market (A8-0204/2016 - Brando Benifei) SV
Social and environmental standards, human rights and corporate responsibility (A8-0217/2016 - Eleonora Forenza) SV
Social and environmental standards, human rights and corporate responsibility - A forward-looking and innovative future strategy for trade and investment (debate) SV
Reform of Trade Defence Instruments (TDIs) (debate)
China's market economy status (debate) SV
EU-MERCOSUR: The way forward in the Association Agreement's trade negotiations (debate) SV
Guidelines for the 2017 Budget - Section III (A8-0036/2016 - Jens Geier) SV
Mid-term review of the EU biodiversity strategy (A8-0003/2016 - Mark Demesmaeker) SV
Commercial relationship between EU and China and market economy status (debate) SV
Sustainable development provisions of the EU-West Africa Economic Partnership Agreement (debate) SV
Opening of FTA negotiations with Australia and New Zealand (debate) SV
Implementation of the European Progress Microfinance Facility (A8-0331/2015 - Sven Schulze) SV
2016 budgetary procedure: joint text (A8-0333/2015 - José Manuel Fernandes, Gérard Deprez) SV
EU Strategic framework on health and safety at work 2014-2020 (A8-0312/2015 - Ole Christensen) SV
The state of play of the Doha Development Agenda in view of the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference (debate)
The state of play of the Doha Development Agenda in view of the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference (debate) SV
The state of play of the Doha Development Agenda in view of the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference (debate)
Human rights in EU-Vietnam trade negotiations (debate) SV
Novel foods (A8-0046/2014 - James Nicholson) SV
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2015/002 DE/Adam Opel (A8-0273/2015 - Jens Geier) SV
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2015/003 BE/Ford Genk (A8-0272/2015 - Paul Rübig) SV
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2015/004 IT/Alitalia (A8-0274/2015 - Monika Vana) SV
Assessment of the 2012 European Year for active ageing and solidarity between generations (A8-0241/2015 - Eduard Kukan) SV
Cloning of animals kept and reproduced for farming purposes (debate) SV
Cloning of animals kept and reproduced for farming purposes (A8-0216/2015 - Giulia Moi, Renate Sommer) SV
Trade in seal products (debate) SV
Negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) (debate) SV
European Fund for Strategic Investments (A8-0139/2015 - José Manuel Fernandes, Udo Bullmann) SV
Recent revelations of high-level corruption cases in FIFA (RC-B8-0548/2015, B8-0548/2015, B8-0549/2015, B8-0550/2015, B8-0571/2015, B8-0572/2015, B8-0573/2015, B8-0574/2015) SV
Fuel quality directive and renewable energy directive (debate) SV
Fuel quality directive and renewable energy directive (debate)
Carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport (debate) SV
Guidelines for the 2016 budget - Section III (A8-0027/2015 - José Manuel Fernandes) SV
Annual report 2013 on the protection of EU's financial interests - Fight against fraud (A8-0024/2015 - Georgi Pirinski) SV
2014 UN Climate Change Conference - COP 20 in Lima, Peru (1-12 December 2014) (B8-0251/2014) SV
General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2015 - all sections (A8-0014/2014 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Monika Hohlmeier) SV
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Electronic communications networks, personal data and the protection of privacy - Electronic communications networks and services - Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the Office - Frequency bands for mobile communications (debate)
Patients' rights in cross-border healthcare (debate)
2007 discharge: European Police College (A6-0160/2009, Christofer Fjellner)
Term of protection of copyright and related rights (debate)
Budget discharges 2007, (Vote will be held on Thursday) (debate)
Budget discharges 2007, (Vote will be held on Thursday) (debate)
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Economic Partnership Agreement between the EC and Cariforum – Stepping-stone Agreement towards an Economic Partnership Agreement between the EC and Côte d'Ivoire – EC-Cariforum States Partnership Agreement – EC-Côte d'Ivoire Stepping-stone Economic Partnership Agreement – Stepping-stone Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and Ghana, of the other part – Interim Partnership Agreement between the Pacific States, on the one part, and the European Community, on the other part – EC-SADC EPA States Interim Economic Partnership Agreement – Economic Partnership Agreement between EC and Eastern and Southern African States – Economic Partnership Agreement between the EC and the East African Community Partner States – Stepping-stone Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and Central Africa, of the other part (debate)
Order of business
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Impact assessment of the compromises reached in the Doha negotiations on NAMA and services at the end of July 2008 (debate)
Explanations of vote (continuation)
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Impact of counterfeiting on international trade - Consumer protection aspects of counterfeiting (debate)
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Greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system (debate)
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Presentation of the Court of Auditors' annual report - 2007
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Explanations of vote
Generalised tariff preferences for the period from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2011 (debate)
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White Paper on Sport (debate)
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Explanations of vote
2006 discharge (debate)
2006 discharge (debate)
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Cultural industries in Europe (debate)
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EU Market access for European Companies (debate)
Reform of trade protection instruments (debate)
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Explanations of vote
Amendment of Directive 2003/87/EC so as to include aviation activities in the scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community (debate)
Explanations of vote
2008 draft general budget: Section III – 2008 draft general budget: Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX (debate)
Tobacco smoke: policy options at EU level (debate)
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Recent developments in bilateral trade relations with China (debate)
Community action programme in the field of health – Action to tackle cardiovascular disease (debate)
EU economic and trade relations with Russia (debate)
Baltic Sea cod (debate)
Global Europe - External aspects of competitiveness (debate)
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Explanations of vote
Reform of EU trade policy instruments (debate)
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Illegal fishing (debate)
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Explanations of vote
Footwear from China and Vietnam (debate)
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Explanations of vote
Fair Trade and development (debate)
Results of the WTO meetings at the end of April in Geneva and future perspectives (continuation of debate)
Origin marking of certain imported products (debate)
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Explanations of vote
EU-US Transatlantic Partnership Agreement – EU-US economic relations (debate)
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Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Community action programme in the field of health (2007-2013) (debate)
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Explanations of vote
State of the European footwear sector one year after liberalisation (debate)
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EU forestry strategy (debate)
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Explanations of vote
WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong
Preparation for the WTO conference
Humane trapping standards
Explanations of vote
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals)
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Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Patient mobility and healthcare developments
Quality of bathing water
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Explanations of vote
Discrimination against workers and companies from the new Member States in the EU internal market
Budgetary discharge
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Scheme of generalised tariff preferences (continuation)
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Explanations of vote
Strategic guidelines/Legislative and work programme for 2005
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Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Annual report of the Court of Auditors – 2003
Explanations of vote
Explanations of vote
Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items (debate)
Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items (debate)
Protection against dumped and subsidised imports from countries not members of the EU (A7-0053/2014 - Christofer Fjellner) (vote)
Protection against dumped and subsidised imports from countries not members of the EU (debate)
Protection against dumped and subsidised imports from countries not members of the EU (debate)
Access of goods and services to public procurement markets (debate)
Eco-innovation - jobs and growth through environmental policy (A7-0333/2013 - Karin Kadenbach)
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (A7-0282/2013 - Alain Cadec)
Climate change conference (B7-0482/2013)
Dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation (A7-0303/2013 - Thomas Ulmer)
Europski fond za pomorstvo i ribarstvo (A7-0282/2013 - Alain Cadec) HR
Konferencija o klimatskim promjenama (B7-0482/2013) HR
Opasnosti koje potječu od izloženosti ionizirajućem zračenju (A7-0303/2013 - Thomas Ulmer) HR
Medical devices (A7-0324/2013 - Dagmar Roth-Behrendt)
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (debate)
Manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products (A7-0276/2013 - Linda McAvan)
EU-China negotiations for a bilateral investment agreement (debate)
EU-Taiwan trade relations (debate)
Serious cross-border threats to health (debate)
Preparations for the European Council meeting (27-28 June 2013) - European action to combat youth unemployment (RCB7-0270/2013, B7-0270/2013, B7-0273/2013, B7-0275/2013, B7-0276/2013, B7-0278/2013, B7-0279/2013, B7-0280/2013)
Future legislative proposals on EMU (B7-0250/2013)
Annual tax report: how to free the EU potential for economic growth (A7-0154/2013 - Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz)
Implementation of the audiovisual media services directive (A7-0055/2013 - Piotr Borys)
EU trade and investment agreement negotiations with the US (debate)
Reinstatement of Myanmar/Burma's access to generalised tariff preferences - Myanmar/Burma's access to generalised tariff preferences (debate)
Reinstatement of Myanmar/Burma's access to generalised tariff preferences - Myanmar/Burma's access to generalised tariff preferences (debate)
Estimates of revenue and expenditure for 2014 - Section I - Parliament (A7-0112/2013 - Monika Hohlmeier)
European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2012/023 IT/Antonio Merloni SpA (A7-0111/2013 - Frédéric Daerden)
European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2011/016 IT/Agile (A7-0133/2013 - Angelika Werthmann)
European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2011/010 AT/Austria Tabak (A7-0134/2013 - Frédéric Daerden)
Timing of auctions of greenhouse gas allowances (A7-0046/2013 - Matthias Groote)
2011 discharge (continuation of debate)
Decision on the opening of, and mandate for, interinstitutional negotiations on direct payments to farmers under support schemes within the framework of the CAP - 2011/0280(COD) (B7-0079/2013)
Decision on the opening of, and mandate for, interinstitutional negotiations on common organisation of the markets in agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation) - 2011/0281(COD) (B7-0080/2013)
Decision on the opening of, and mandate for, interinstitutional negotiations on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) - 2011/0282(COD) (B7-0081/2013)
Decision on the opening of, and mandate for, interinstitutional negotiations on financing, management and monitoring of the CAP - 2011/0288(COD) (B7-0082/2013)
Impact of the economic crisis on gender equality and women's rights (A7-0048/2013 - Elisabeth Morin-Chartier)
Eliminating gender stereotypes in the EU (A7-0401/2012 - Kartika Tamara Liotard)
Transparency of measures regulating the prices of medicinal products for human use (A7-0015/2013 - Antonyia Parvanova)
Regulation on mandatory marking of origin for certain products imported from third countries (debate)
Regulation on mandatory marking of origin for certain products imported from third countries (debate)
State of play of EU-Mercosur trade relations (debate)
Modernisation of Customs Code and introduction of list of non-preferential rules of origin (debate)
Modernisation of Customs Code and introduction of list of non-preferential rules of origin (debate)
Measures to protect the EU market from unusually low priced imports of Chinese origin, especially photovoltaic panels (debate)
Explanations of vote
Protocol to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the EC and Israel on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (CAA) (debate)
Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items (debate)
Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items (debate)
Explanations of vote
Exclusion of certain countries from trade preferences (debate)
Exclusion of certain countries from trade preferences (debate)
Sulphur content of marine fuels (debate)
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Explanations of vote
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the EU and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the USA (A7-0204/2012 - David Martin) (vote)
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the EU and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the USA (debate)
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the EU and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the USA (debate)
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the EU and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the USA (debate)
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the EU and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the USA (debate)
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the EU and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the USA (debate)
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the EU and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the USA (debate)
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the EU and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the USA (debate)
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the EU and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the USA (debate)
EU-Israel agreement on conformity assessment and acceptance of industrial products (debate)
EU-Israel agreement on conformity assessment and acceptance of industrial products (debate)
EU-Israel agreement on conformity assessment and acceptance of industrial products (debate)
Explanations of vote
EU trade negotiations with Japan (debate)
Scheme of generalised tariff preferences (debate)
Scheme of generalised tariff preferences (debate)
Explanations of vote
EU and China: unbalanced trade? (debate)
Discharge 2010 (debate)
Discharge 2010 (debate)
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Explanations of vote
Agreement between the EU and Morocco concerning reciprocal liberalisation measures on agricultural products and fishery products (debate)
Iran and its nuclear programme (debate)
Explanations of vote
Presentation of the Court of Auditors’ annual report - 2010 (debate)
Presentation of the Court of Auditors’ annual report - 2010 (debate)
Trade in agricultural and fishery products between the EU and Palestine (debate)
Ongoing Doha negotiations (debate)
EU-Canada trade relations (debate)
EU-Canada trade relations (debate)
2009 discharge (debate)
Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy - Eastern Dimension - Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy - Southern Dimension
Explanations of vote
Dual-use items and technology (debate)
Patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare (debate)
EU-Cameroon forest law agreement - EU-Republic of Congo forest law agreement - FLEGT voluntary partnership agreements (continuation of debate)
Information on medicinal products (Community procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products) (A7-0289/2010, Christofer Fjellner) (vote)
Explanations of vote
Information on medicinal products (Community code relating to medicinal products) - Information on medicinal products (Community procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products) (debate)
Information on medicinal products (Community code relating to medicinal products) - Information on medicinal products (Community procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products) (debate)
Explanations of vote
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Explanations of vote
Aid for Pakistan and possible implication for the European industrial sector (debate)
Indication of the country of origin of certain products imported from third countries (debate)
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) (debate)
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Bilateral safeguard clause in the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement (debate)
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Novel foods (debate)
Obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market (debate)
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Explanations of vote
Regulation applying a scheme of generalised tariff preferences (debate)
Animal health requirements applicable to the non-commercial movement of pet animals (debate)
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Explanations of vote
Effects of the economic crisis on world trade (debate)
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‘made in’ (origin marking) (debate)
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