Subject "3.30.25 International information networks and society, internet"

Dossiers (197)

DESI 2024 methodological note
Union Rolling Work Programme for European cybersecurity certification
Common European Data Spaces
Review of the application of Directive on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (Web Accessibility Directive). Evaluation. Executive summary
Review of the application of Directive on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (Web Accessibility Directive). Evaluation
Establishing a European Declaration on Digital rights and principles for the Digital Decade. Report on the stakeholder consultation and engagement activities. Accompanying document
Tackling R&I Foreign Interference
Sector inquiry into consumer Internet of Things. Final report. Accompanying document
State Aid rules for broadband infrastructure deployment. Evaluation. Executive summary
State Aid rules for broadband infrastructure deployment. Evaluation
Sector Inquiry into consumer Internet of Things. Preliminary report
Assessment of the Code of Practice on Disinformation - Achievements and areas for further improvement
EU green public procurement criteria for data centres, server rooms and cloud services
Implementation of the EU's Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade. Report
Tackling COVID-19 disinformation - Getting the facts right
Implementation of the Action Plan Against Disinformation. Report
How to master Europe's digital infrastructure needs? White Paper
Blueprint to coordinate a Union-level response to disruptions of critical infrastructure with significant cross-border relevance. Proposal for a Council Recommendation
Authorising the negotiations for a comprehensive international convention on countering the use of information and communications technologies for criminal purposes. Recommendation for a Council decision
European Declaration on Digital rights and principles for the Digital Decade
Establishing a European Declaration on Digital rights and principles for the Digital Decade
Sector inquiry into consumer Internet of Things. Final report
EEA Agreement: amendment to Annex XI (Electronic communication, audiovisual services and information society) and Protocol 37 (containing the list provided for in Article 101). EU position
European Commission guidance on strengthening the code of practice on disinformation
2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade
Shaping Europe's digital future
Secure 5G deployment in the EU - Implementing the EU toolbox
Guidance on the Regulation on a framework for the free flow of non-personal data in the European Union
Secure and resilient submarine cable infrastructures. Commission recommendation
Commission Recommendation on quality requirements for dispute resolution procedures offered by online marketplaces and Union trade associations
European citizens' initiative: 'Stop (((5G))) - Stay Connected but Protected'. Commission Implementing Decision
Abuse of new technologies to manipulate and radicalize young people through hate speech and antidemocratic discourse
Facing fake news, populism and disinformation in the EU - the importance of public broadcasting, media pluralism and independent journalism
Resolution on new allegations of Russian interference in the European Parliament, in the upcoming EU elections and the impact on the European Union
Commission recommendation on secure and resilient submarine cables
Combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child sexual abuse material. Recast
Defence of democracy package
Fighting disinformation and dissemination of illegal content in the context of the Digital Services Act and in times of conflict
Establishing a list of essential services
Resolution on the new European strategy for a better internet for kids (BIK+)
Detailed methodologies and procedures regarding the supervisory fees charged by the Commission on providers of very large online platforms and very large online search engines
Decision amending the decision of 10 March 2022 on setting up a special committee on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation (INGE 2), and adjusting its title and responsibilities
Policy implications of the development of virtual worlds – civil, company, commercial and intellectual property law issues
Cultural diversity and the conditions for authors in the European music streaming market
Implementation of the 2018 Geoblocking Regulation in the Digital Single Market
Amending Interim Regulation on a temporary derogation from certain provisions of the ePrivacy Directive for the purpose of combating online child sexual abuse
Discontinuation of the European ODR Platform
Measures to strengthen solidarity and capacities in the Union to detect, prepare for and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents
Managed security services
Measures to reduce the cost of deploying gigabit electronic communications networks
Proposal to seek an opinion from the Court of Justice on the Second Additional Protocol to the Cybercrime Convention
Countering the anti-European and anti-Ukrainian propaganda of Putin’s European cronies
The Three Seas Initiative: challenges and opportunities
Decision on setting up a special committee on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation (INGE 2), and defining its responsibilities, numerical strength and term of office
Cyber Resilience Act
Combating child sexual abuse online
High common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union
Information security in the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union
Data Act
Disinformation and the role of social platforms
Women in politics - combatting online abuse
Foreign Interference in democratic processes
Resolution on the EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade
Evaluation of the Geo-Blocking Regulation
Towards a European Digital Public Sphere
Europe’s Media in the Digital Decade: An Action Plan to Support Recovery and Transformation
Convention on Cybercrime on enhanced co-operation and disclosure of electronic evidence: Second Additional Protocol
2030 policy programme “Path to the Digital Decade”
European Digital Identity framework
Decision on setting up a special committee on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation, and defining its responsibilities, numerical strength and term of office
Establishing the eligibility and selection criteria and the procedure for the designation of the Registry of the .eu top-level domain name
Tackling Covid-19 disinformation and the impact on freedom of expression
A social Europe in a Digital world
Better internet for children
Foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation
Strengthening Media Freedom: the Protection of Journalists in Europe, Hate Speech, Disinformation and the Role of Platforms
Digital Markets Act
Resilience of critical entities
A high common level of cybersecurity
European data governance (Data Governance Act)
Use of technologies by number-independent interpersonal communications service providers for the processing of personal and other data for the purpose of combatting child sexual abuse online (temporary derogation from certain provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC)
Resolution on foreign electoral interference and disinformation in national and European democratic processes
Resolution on the use of Facebook users' data by Cambridge Analytica and the impact on data protection
Cambridge Analytica and Facebook: data protection and citizens' privacy as a line of defence against election manipulation
Taking stock of the follow-up taken by the EEAS two years after the EP Report on EU strategic communication to counteract propaganda against it by third parties. Recommendation to the Vice President/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and to the Council
Preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online
Fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services
Re-use of public sector information. Recast
Implementation and functioning of the .eu top level domain name
Electronic evidence regulation: European production and preservation orders for electronic evidence in criminal matters
Electronic evidence in criminal proceedings: legal representatives directive
Video sharing platforms and editorial responsibility
Hate speech, populism, and fake news on social media – towards an EU response
Fight against cybercrime
European agenda for the collaborative economy
Free flow of non-personal data in the European Union
EU Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA) and information and communication technology cybersecurity certification (Cybersecurity Act)
Recent transition of the IANA stewardship to the global internet community in October 2016 and the upcoming Internet Governance Forum in Mexico (6-8 December 2016)
Deployment of cross-border e-identification tools and online services
Internet connectivity for growth, competitiveness and cohesion: European gigabit society and 5G
Online platforms and the digital single market
EU strategic communication to counteract propaganda against it by third parties
Promotion of internet connectivity in local communities
Copyright and related rights applicable to certain online transmissions of broadcasting organisations and retransmissions of television and radio programmes
Copyright in the digital single market
Geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers' nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market
Audiovisual media services: changing market realities
Zero rating practice
Digital single market
Resolution on child sexual abuse online
Resolution on the renewal of the mandate of the Internet Governance Forum
Adequacy of the consumer related legislative framework to the digital sphere
Towards a digital single market act
Implementation of Directive 2011/93/EU on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography
Contracts for the supply of digital content
Cross-border portability of online content services in the internal market
Programme on interoperability solutions and common frameworks for European public administrations, businesses and citizens (ISA2 programme)
Recent proposals to complete the digital single market
Resolution on completing the digital single market
New technologies and open educational resources
Preparing for a fully converged audiovisual world
Misleading advertisement practices
Private copying levies
European retail action plan for the benefit of all actors
Unleashing the potential of cloud computing in Europe
Integrated parcel delivery market for the growth of e-commerce in the EU
Open internet access
Measures to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks
High common level of network and information security across the Union. NIS Directive
Resolution on discriminatory internet sites and government reactions
Online gambling in the internal market
Protecting children in the digital world
Completing the digital single market
Accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies
Collective management of copyright and related rights and multi-territorial licensing of rights in musical works for online use in the internal market
Electronic transactions in the internal market: electronic identification and trust services
Resolution on the open internet and net neutrality in Europe
Resolution on the European Union's policy approach to the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2012 (WRC-12)
US subpoenas and EU data protection rules
Online distribution of audiovisual works in the European Union
Critical information infrastructure protection. Achievements and next steps: towards global cyber-security
Competitive digital single market - eGovernment as a spearhead
Online gambling in the internal market
Re-use of public sector information
Online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (Regulation on consumer ODR)
Financing of infrastructure projects: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013) and trans-European transport and energy networks
Orphan works: permitted uses
European broadband: investing in digitally driven growth
Declaration on setting up a European early warning system (EWS) for paedophiles and sex offenders
Public service broadcasting in the digital era: the future of the dual system
Journalism and new media - creating a public sphere in Europe
European Convention on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional access
European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA): further development
European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA): duration
Judicial cooperation in criminal matters: combating attacks against information systems
Radio spectrum policy programme
Online gambling in relation to recent ECJ rulings
Internet governance: the next steps
Defining a new digital agenda for Europe: from i2010 to
Internet of Things
Europeana - next steps
Amending budget 4/2009: energy projects to aid economic recovery; broadband internet infrastructure in rural areas and CAP Health Check
Resolution on collective cross-border management of copyright and related rights for legitimate online music services
Resolution on the second Internet Governance Forum (Rio de Janeiro, 12 - 15 November 2007)
Integrity of online gambling
International trade and the internet
Strengthening security and fundamental freedoms on the Internet
Media literacy in a digital world
Commission's report on the application of Directive 2001/29/EC on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society
Protection of children using the Internet and other communication technologies. Safer Internet programme 2009-2013
Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the Office. 'Telecoms Package'
Resolution on freedom of expression on the Internet
Consumer confidence in the digital environment
i2010: digital libraries
European information society for growth and employment, i2010
The information society
Internet: 2005-2008 action programme on promoting a safer use, Safer Internet plus.
Information society, eEurope 2005: European network and information security Agency
Information society: e-economy, impact on companies
Information society, eEurope 2002: accessibility of public web sites especially for disabled people
Information society, eEurope: good practices and network security, MODINIS programme 2003-2005
Information market: re-use and commercial exploitation of public sector documents. 'PSI Directive'
Criminal judicial cooperation: attacks against information systems and communication networks. Framework Decision
Multiannual action plan on promoting safer use of the Internet: extension to 2004
Information society, eEurope 2002: security of infrastructures, combating computer-related crime
Internet: organisation and management, international and European policy issues 1998-2000.
The second Internet generation: the need for an European Union's research initiative
Information society, eEurope: Commission initiative for European Council in Lisbon, 23-24 March 2000
Implementation of the .eu Top Level Domain
Information Society: globalisation and strengthening of the international cooperation
Information society: convergence and regulation of telecommunications, media and technologies. Green paper
Economic and social cohesion and information society
Standardisation and information society: the European approach
Living and working in the information society: people first. Green Paper
The information society and the Union policies, preparationof the new stages
Information Society services: procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules
Resolution on the G7 conference on the information society